Living in a "big" city has many perks like public transportation, which I use regularly, but Frankfurt is a great city for a bike, plus it is free. In the past I've bought monthly transportation passes from RMV for a little more than 60 euros per month at any of the main stations. The 9-Uhr-Pass is good after 9am and after 7pm and on weekends significant others can ride with your for free, plus it is transferable to another person. There is also a really handy app for smartphones that allows you to buy one way, round trip or day passes.
Thanks to Santa, Hannah and I have our very own bike that my husband refers to as our mini van. The WorkCycles FR8 bike arrived the end of January and so far I love it. Travis picked out all the pieces and the Netherlands based company assembled and shipped our unique ride - including a brain bucket small enough for Hannah's head. At first, I was concerned by the immense weight (50lbs.) which is not something I am use too, but Frankfurt is pretty flat so this is really not a problem.

Until next time.....
Be Well!
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