Skiing...Finally, I've been looking forward to this moment for over a year, well two years really. The last time we skied/boarded was two years ago in Vail on a vacation that was way to short. So I've been living in Germany for almost a year and half now and the time to go skiing is now.
My parents visited over New Years and my Dad was also anxious to go skiing so we planned a trip to Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany. The drive was about six hours and that was about all Hannah could handle - she is not a fan of the car seat to say the least. The sights were amazing, but for the beginning of January the weather left much to be desired. I was still anxious to get on the mountain and see what it is like compared to my experiences skiing in the US. Let's face it Michigan doesn't have anything comparable to the Rockies. I had seen the Alps when we visited Switzerland so I could only imagine what awaited us at the top of the gondola.
Grandma watched Hannah at the great little family run hotel, Hotel Rheinischer Hof and the three of us headed to the mountain...in the rain. Luckily, by the time we got even half way up the mountain the rain was snow...Whew! Of course there was snow - lots of it - making it very hard to see. I quickly bought goggles that night as they were a necessity.
When you only ski once a year - you feel it! Thank God for saunas! We skied for two days and really enjoyed it considering the lack of visibility at the top of the mountain and the rainy muddy runs towards the bottom. I definitely want to ski again, probably won't happen this year, but I've received many recommendations for destinations from friends.
The experiences are once in a life time - to be skiing in the Alps, never thought I'd really get to say that ever. There are definitely differences from the States. Way more surface lifts, which are really a pain especially when I haven't used them since childhood. Happy to report no spills on the tow rope, t-bar or poma lifts. Even as I approached the tow rope I thought for sure a hilarious scene would unfold involving me twisted and tangled blocking traffic. Something prevailed...maybe pure raw talent...HA!
I may have not crashed on any of the lifts (thank goodness it's not genetic - sorry Mom!). However, in my playful family we make a sport of dusting each other with snow. Let me preface this with....I think the snow is different here in Europe. As I approached my dear Dad who was stopped I thought perfect opportunity, seconds later I was practically doing a cartwheel behind him - after I sprayed him of course - then we were both on the ground and my ski bumped his head.....sorry......still hear about that from him. I felt horrible and needless to say my intentional stunts are coming to an end.
We had a wonderful time, delicious Bavarian food & beer, great skiing. Who could ask for more.

Always a beautiful blue sky on the last day of your vacation when you are packing up to leave!
Grateful to have had the experience with my family.